Dear Derwent Lions Club Supporter
In these unusual times, our dozen members have been unable to be out and about to do our usual summer activities. Our Queen Margaret concerts were cancelled and the coconut shy usually brought out at numerous summer fetes has been put away for the year. Instead we have been using the monies raised with Rocking Rudolph last year to support those in need because of Covid-19. We have:
– provided financial support to those at the University of York manufacturing face shields to ensure all local care homes had all they needed.
– purchased tablets for local hospitals so that patients and their families could keep in contact and sometimes, sadly, say goodbye.
– continuing with our regular financial donations to help support two local food banks supplying meals to the vulnerable and needy in our local communities.
In addition, recently we have started collecting surplus vegetables from Wheldrake allotments for Kitchens for Everyone in York who are making and delivering huge numbers of meals for those in need.
If you would like to make a donation to help us continue to support these good causes, then please go to our Just Giving page. Note that members pay for the privilege to belong to Lions to cover insurance and the like, ensuring that all every penny counts from donations and fundraising.
We are keeping under review our usual programme of events over the Christmas holidays – the popular senior citizens event at Elvington Airfield, Rocking
Rudolph visiting all the villages and the recycling of Christmas trees to support St Leonard’s hospice. Closer to the time we will let everyone know if and how these are to go ahead.
Many people volunteered to support their neighbours through these difficult times. If you wish to continue with supporting your local
community, then please consider joining us, either as a member or a friend. Details on how you can contact us are here.
Keep happy, healthy and safe.
Brian Woolacott
President, Derwent Lions Club (CIO)