Our Passion:
As part of Lions Clubs International, our passion is to help people in need, within our community and beyond. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary!
Who we are:
Like minded people who give their time and expertise freely for the benefit of others, supported by enthusiastic volunteers.
Our local communities:
Villagers of Deighton, Dunnington, Elvington, Escrick, Fulford, Heslington, Low and High Catton, Melbourne, Newton on Derwent, Naburn, Seaton Ross, Stamford Bridge, Sutton on Derwent, Thorganby and Wheldrake who give most generously when we knock on their doors!
Our ethos:
Fun and team spirit is very much important to us and we enjoy informal and formal social events together and with other clubs in the area.
Where we meet:
We normally meet at 8pm on Monday or Tuesday of the 4th Week of each month , but this can vary to meet operational requirements. We may also use zoom for project meetings. Please contact us if you would like to pay a visit.
If you are a community minded person who wishes to give something back for the benefit of those less fortunate, then please forward your details to Derwent Lions President Brian at derwentlions@gmail.com
Please donate now so Derwent Lions can continue to help good causes.